
Missouri State B.C.T.C.
Dave Coleman - Secretary-Treasurer

131 E. High Street, Suite 201
P.O. Box 401
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Office: (573) 634-2115
Email: dave.coleman@ironworkers10.com
Website: Open Website

Missouri State B.C.T.C.
Doug Beck - President

131 E. High Street, Suite 201
P.O. Box 401
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Office: (573) 634-2115
Email: doug@buildmo.org
Website: Open Website

Columbia-Jefferson City B.C.T.C. (MO)
Matt Enloe - President

3216-C Emerald Lane
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Office: (573) 635-3160
Fax: (573) 635-3160
Email: matt.enloe@iuoe513.org

Columbia-Jefferson City B.C.T.C. (MO)
Joel Vanderslice - Vice President

3216-C Emerald Lane
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Office: (573) 635-2133
Email: joelv@ibew257.org

Columbia-Jefferson City B.C.T.C. (MO)
Tom Bax - Recording Secretary

3091 N. Lawrence Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
Office: (573) 474-0510
Email: ironbax396@gmail.com

Columbia-Jefferson City B.C.T.C.
Cori Daniels - Office Manager

3216-C Emerald Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Office: (573) 635-3160
Email: cori.daniels@iueo513.org

Columbia-Jefferson City B.C.T.C. (MO)
Curt Koelling - Financial Secretary

1744 Halifax Road
Holts Summit, MO 65043
Office: (573) 896-0206
Fax: (573) 896-4101
Email: ckoelling@dc58.org

Greater Kansas City B.C.T.C.
Kevin Gard - Treasurer

400 South Main Street
Independence, MO 64050
Office: (816) 836-8485
Fax: (816) 836-8486
Email: kgard@opcmia518.org
Website: Open Website

Greater Kansas City B.C.T.C.
Dave Coleman - President

400 South Main Street
Independence, MO 64050
Office: (816) 836-8485
Fax: (816) 836-8486
Email: dave.coleman@ironworkers10.com
Website: Open Website

Greater Kansas City B.C.T.C.
Ralph Oropeza - Business Manager

400 South Main Street
Independence, MO 64050
Office: (816) 836-8485
Fax: (816) 836-8486
Email: ralph@buildkc.org
Website: Open Website

Northeast Missouri B.C.T.C.
Joe Mueller - President

11 Droste Square
St. Charles, MO 63301
Office: (636) 698-5424
Email: jmueller.nemobctc@gmail.com

Northeast Missouri B.C.T.C.
Chris Brunnert - Recording Secretary

11 Droste Square
St. Charles, MO 63301
Office: (636) 698-5424
Email: cbrunnert@sheetmetal36.org

Northeast Missouri B.C.T.C.
Steven Garner - Secretary-Treasurer

11 Droste Square
St. Charles , MO 63301
Office: (636) 698-5424
Email: sgarner@local562.org

Sedalia B.C.T.C.
Gordon Hitt - President

2910 Clinton Road
Sedalia, MO 65301
Office: (816) 833-5900
Email: ghitt@opcmia518.org

Sedalia B.C.T.C.
Daniel Loftis - Vice President

2910 Clinton Road
Sedalia, MO 65301
Office: (816) 254-8021
Email: dan@sheetmetal2.org

Sedalia B.C.T.C.
Gabe Jones - Secretary-Treasurer

2910 Clinton Road
Sedelia, MO 65301
Office: (816) 444-0062
Email: gjones@lu663.com

Southeastern Missouri B.C.T.C.
JJ Lane - President

3640 Corporate Traile Drive

All correspondence to Office Manager, Becky Latham Becky.Latham@iuoe513.org

Earth City , MO 63045
Office: (314) 355-1000
Email: jjlane@local562.org

Southeastern Missouri B.C.T.C.
Becky Latham - Office Manager

777 Enterprise Street

All correspondence goes here
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
Office: (573) 334-5680
Fax: (573) 334-5680
Email: Becky.Latham@iuoe513.org

Southeastern Missouri B.C.T.C.
Shawn Oster - Vice President

2501 59th Street

All correspondence to Office Manager, Becky Latham Becky.Latham@iuoe513.org

St. Louis, MO 63110
Office: (314) 647-3327
Email: soster@dc58.org

Southeastern Missouri B.C.T.C.
Nate Sellinger - Financial Secretary-Treasurer

777 Enterprise Street

All correspondence to Office Manager, Becky Latham Becky.Latham@iuoe513.org

Cape Girardeau , MO 63703
Office: (573) 334-5680
Fax: (573) 334-5680
Email: nate.sellinger@iuoe513.org

Springfield B.C.T.C.
Michael Gott - Secretary-Treasurer

1601 West Sunshine, Suite F
Springfield, MO 65807
Office: (417) 864-6889
Fax: (417) 869-6211
Email: mgott@uanet.org

Springfield B.C.T.C.
Steve Morrow - President

1601 West Sunshine, Suite F
Springfield, MO 65807
Office: (417) 864-6889
Fax: (417) 869-6211
Email: stevemorrow@baclocal15.org

St. Joseph B.C.T.C.
Jeremiah Hollars - Vice President

PO Box 1584

Please send any email correspondence to Kim Knipp, Office Manager kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Joseph, MO 64502
Office: (816) 233-9800
Email: kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Joseph B.C.T.C.
Danny Robinson - President

PO Box 1584

Please send any email correspondence to Kim Knipp, Office Manager kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Joseph, MO 64502
Office: (816) 233-9800
Email: kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Joseph B.C.T.C.
Jason Estes - Secretary-Treasurer

P.O. Box 1584

Please send any email correspondence to Kim Knipp, Office Manager kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Joseph, MO 64502
Office: (816) 233-9800
Email: kimknipp@ibewlocal545.net

St. Louis B.C.T.C.
Frank Jacobs - President

5850 Elizabeth Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Office: (314) 647-5900
Email: frank.jacobs@ibewlocal1.org
Website: Open Website

St. Louis B.C.T.C.
John Stiffler - Secretary-Treasurer

2300 Hampton Ave., Suite B
St. Louis, MO 61139
Office: (314) 647-0628
Email: john@stlbctc.org
Website: Open Website