North America’s strength, prosperity, freedom, and progress relies on a labor market filled with justice and dignity for all. With hope for the future and for more healing across the world, I wish workers across North America a well-earned Labor Day.
Read MoreFirst of its Kind Partnership will Support Union Jobs, Strengthen Retirements, & Help Economic Recovery
Read MoreShutting down these two emissions-free nuclear plants will have a devastating impact on the lives of thousands of working men and women in Illinois.
Read MoreFor over a century, NABTU has hosted this quinquennial Convention to amend the constitution, elect leadership and plan for the next five years.
Read MoreNABTU research affirms the great opportunities in union energy construction and shows that oil and natural gas construction jobs provide workers with better pay, health and pension benefits than other industries
Read More“We need to improve state and federal regulatory certainty so that safe, environmental and economical pipeline infrastructure projects can put thousands of Americans to work and boost ladders to the middle class with good, family-supporting jobs and apprenticeships.”
Read More“After years of planning, procurement, preparation, and following every federal, state, local law and regulation, the Atlantic Coast pipeline cancellation is beyond disappointing.”
Read More“Like too many shovel-ready projects before it, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline faced legal and permitting challenges waged without merit by activists, and these challenges ultimately cost Americans along its route the environmental, employment, and economic benefits that modern pipeline projects bring.”
Read More“For years, NABTU, its affiliated unions and its members have urged both Congress and the Administration to pass a broad-scoped, robustly funded infrastructure package with strong labor standards to ensure that as we rebuild American infrastructure, we rebuild American communities by providing job and training opportunities to workers and their families. The Moving Forward Act meets these goals aggressively.”
Read More“We are pleased that the Administration is moving to curtail the expansion of business models that rely on importing low-wage foreign labor that undercuts the wages and working conditions of American workers.”
Read More“The INVEST in America Act will provide the level of funding needed to lay the foundation for long term economic recovery as we emerge from this COVID-19 economy, and the Chairman’s commitment to ensuring strong prevailing wage labor standards throughout the bill must be commended.”
Read More“Today’s ruling affirms what we know – that any form of discrimination is unacceptable. We don’t tolerate it on our jobsites, and we don’t tolerate it in our communities. This landmark decision is another step forward towards equality and dignity for all.”
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