Investing in Infrastructure

NABTU has consistently advocated for a broad-based, aggressive investment strategy to meet our infrastructure needs and provide for sustained job opportunities for our members. On November 15, 2021, that vision was realized with the signing of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This $1.2 trillion infrastructure investment will fund a broad array of infrastructure projects, from roads and bridges, to broadband, airports, and energy in every community across the nation, creating family-sustaining jobs, increasing safety, and creating ladders of opportunity for those who seek a career in construction.

Federal Permitting

Public and private entities seeking to undertake major capital projects must often run the gauntlet of a dozen separate agency reviews and approvals, occasionally resulting in years of project delays. The resulting uncertainty surrounding major projects makes new construction investments less attractive and hinders job creation for building trades members. NABTU is committed to reducing the red tape that needlessly delays much-needed infrastructure projects.