Washington, D.C. – October 13, 2023 – Today, North America’s …
Washington, D.C. – October 13, 2023 – Today, North America’s …
Washington, D.C. – October 11, 2023 – Today, North America’s …
Washington, D.C. – September 18, 2023 – Today, North America’s …
Washington, D.C. – September 11, 2023 – North America’s Building …
Washington, D.C. – September 4, 2023 – Each and every day, it is incumbent upon all of us to show these workers the proper respect and dignity that they have earned for creating the wealth and prosperity that exists in both of our nations.
Washington, D.C. – August 29, 2023 – North America’s Building …
Washington, D.C. – August 10, 2023 – “North America’s Building Trades Unions announced today that it has signed a project labor agreement (PLA) with Bechtel Construction Company for the Thacker Pass project, which will tap into the largest deposit of lithium in North America.”
Washington, D.C. – August 8, 2023 – “Today’s DOL final rule strengthens federal prevailing wage regulations and restores the law to its original intent after it has been watered down over the last 40-plus years.”
Washington, D.C. – July 31, 2023 – “NABTU congratulates Georgia Power, Southern Company and Bechtel on Plant Vogtle Unit 3 entering commercial operation to provide affordable clean energy to hundreds of thousands of homes for decades to come.”
Washington, D.C. – June 19, 2023 – This important observance provides us with an additional opportunity to not only reflect on America’s history of slavery, racism, and discrimination but also to celebrate freedom and the incredible achievements of Black Americans over the course of history.
Washington, D.C. – June 1, 2023 – “NABTU hopes this report will incentivize others in our industry to join us in investing more resources to advance successful DEI and training programs, implement more accountable preventative measures, increase outcome tracking, and do all possible to provide the safest, most equitable, inclusive, and meaningful middle-class career pathways for diverse communities across America.”
NABTU Statement on Fiscal Responsibility Act…“We applaud President Biden and House Leadership for coming together on behalf of the American people and striking a deal which, upon Congressional passage, will deter a global economic catastrophe that would severely impact the retirement security and job opportunities of millions of building trades working families…
Washington, D.C. – May 29, 2023 – “NABTU joins our nation in remembering and honoring those who lost their lives while defending our country serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.”
Washington, D.C. – April 28, 2023 – “As North America gathers today at Workers’ Memorial Day events across the continent to honor our brothers and sisters, valued friends, family and loved ones whose jobs claimed their lives, our collective responsibility and duty to prevent work-related injury, illness, and death remains unchanged.”
Washington, D.C. – April 27, 2023 – “With the recent passage of historic laws creating record amounts of infrastructure jobs for skilled trades professionals, it’s never been more important for Members of Congress to come together to advance and protect policies impacting the next infrastructure generation.”
Washington, D.C. – April 25, 2023 – “Now is the time to strengthen and expand Registered Apprenticeship into other industries, for both blue and white collar jobs, who need to recruit and retain a well trained workforce.”
Washington, D.C. – April 21, 2023 – Thousands of national, state and local building trades leaders from across the country will gather at the Washington Hilton in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26, for North America’s Building Trades Unions’ U.S. Legislative Conference.
Washington, D.C. – April 13, 2023 – “This project is paramount for extracting the lithium which is so desperately needed in this country to establish a complete domestic supply chain as we work to expand renewable energy and battery production across North America.”
Washington, D.C. – March 23, 2023 – “Our hearts go out to the families of the six construction workers who made the ultimate sacrifice yesterday just doing their job.”
Washington, D.C. – March 20, 2023 – “We commend President Biden and Vice President Harris for standing up for workers, a clean environment and holding companies accountable. Today’s veto protects one of workers’ most important assets – their deferred wages and pensions that ensure a secure retirement.”