US House AGAIN Overwhelmingly Defeats Anti-Davis-Bacon Amendment
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to reject …
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to reject …
The Bosox Injection website weighed in on Boston Red Sox …
Robbie Hunter, President of the State Building and Construction Trades …
John Stiffler, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the St. Louis Building Trades …
Myron Miles, a member of Carpenters Local #238 in Augusta, …
As part of the White House kick-off for “Workforce Development …
Alex Lantsberg, a research analyst for the national nonprofit Smart …
Wisconsin State Legislative Democrats responded to news from the Wisconsin …
Sean McGarvey, President of NABTU, and Jack Gerard, President & …
A new study has found that construction workers across the southern United States receive little to no employment benefits and have relatively low pay.
Laborers Union helps launchPpre-Apprenticeship program for women in Northern California
In a sharply-written letter to the Crain’s New York, Eric Dean, General President of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers, laid out in compelling fashion the connection between registered apprenticeship and job site safety for construction workers.
The Missouri General Assembly on May 12th failed to approve a bill that would’ve repealed that state’s prevailing wage law.
A new national survey shows that strong majorities of Democrats and Republicans each oppose the elimination of prevailing wage laws, which establish local-market minimum wages for different skilled crafts on government funded construction projects.
Wisconsin and Missouri have become the latest states to place limits on the use of project labor agreements (PLAs) on taxpayer-funded construction projects.
In an op-ed piece published May 1st in the Washington Times, United Association President Mark McManus explains how his union is ready to meet the challenges of building out America’s energy infrastructure.
The Los Angeles Times on April 22 published an illuminating article pertaining to immigration and the construction industry.
The Iron Workers Union and the Ironworker Management Progressive Action Cooperative Trust (IMPACT) announced a new paid maternity leave benefit at the 2017 Iron Workers/IMPACT Conference in San Diego.
In late, 2016, the Michigan Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives (LMISI) released a new report that provides an overview of registered apprenticeships in Michigan
Republican Indiana House Assistant Majority Leader Ed Soliday (R) admitted during an April 24 forum that legislation passed in Indian to repeal the state’s prevailing wage law “hasn’t saved a penny.”