NABTU Applauds Vogtle Unit 3 Going Into Operation
Washington, D.C. – July 31, 2023 – North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) President Sean McGarvey issued the following statement:
“NABTU congratulates Georgia Power, Southern Company and Bechtel on Plant Vogtle Unit 3 entering commercial operation to provide affordable clean energy to hundreds of thousands of homes for decades to come. We applaud the steadfast commitment to unionized building trades workers and project safety, and we praise the long-term investment in building a clean energy future for the Southeast.
“NABTU members are proud to have delivered over 100 million craft hours and an exemplary safety record in building this extraordinary project. Over 70 million work hours were completed without a lost time incident. We cherish our longstanding partnership with Southern Company and Bechtel as they share our values prioritizing safety, training, workforce development, and future-focused economic investment for historically underserved communities.
“Plant Vogtle truly is an American energy success story. The sheer generating capacity of this zero-carbon project is phenomenal. This achievement would not have been possible without the strong leadership of Southern Company and the resilient support of local, state and federal stakeholders. NABTU thanks you and remains committed to doing our part to safely build, maintain and operate new infrastructure that will keep America powered and safe.”