United States Councils
North Carolina State B.C.T.C.
Don Pette - Secretary - Treasurer
PO Box 19628
Roanoke, VA 24019
Office: (336) 882-3167
Fax: (336) 882-3168
Email: smwlu5nc@northstate.net
North Carolina State B.C.T.C.
Kim Silvey - Office Manager
*all invoices go to here
P.O. Box 19628
Roanoke, VA 24019
Office: 540-366-3401
Fax: 540-366-3567
Email: kim@laborerslocal980.org
North Carolina State B.C.T.C.
Alvin Warwick - President
7802 Thorndike Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
Office: (336) 285-7781
Fax: (336) 285-7783
Email: alvin@ibew342.org
Union membership doesn’t just mean better wages and benefits—it can also lead to a longer, healthier life.
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How do know can you show me suicide statistic on unions and labor, A.F of L
Workers know the truth: unions are the path to better wages, benefits, and job security.
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It's hard to imagine how a merit shop can compare to a union shop. I'm a proud retired member of UA Plumbers Local Union 27 in Pittsburgh PA. I made an above average living wage while working and enjoy a comfortable retirement due to a good Pension, Annuity, and subsidized medical benefit.
my contractor is shorting me $70 a week and my hall hasn't lifted a finger to correct it. for the last 8 months they asked the same handful of questions every time i have brought this issue to them. only once have they reached back out to me and again to ask the same exact questions as every other talk. wish this "truth" was the same for everyone
If Trade Unions continue to take away the Right to Vote for Business Managers and Committee Members they will die. We are fighting to get it back and unfortunately the AFL-CIO that takes our money will not help us.
Promises made-Promises kept
I love ❤️ unions strong 💪 local 79 mason tenders Newyork City good paying job and good benefits and good pensions God bless America 🇺🇸 invest your future now I am enjoying retirement relaxing 😎
Elonia is out to DESTROY UNIONS!
And jobs taking ten times longer to finish!!
Job security? In construction?
North America's Building Trades Unions This article will mean jack shit if you invite the microwaved circus peanut to the NABTU Convention in April.
Form your own political party
Get them hands out your pockets get out of the wide open get in the unit get busy
No that’s jobs that I’m getting right in the first place so you don’t have to go back and do it again 
I retired out of the Carpenters Union Only problem I had was waiting in between jobs and having to travel a lot but it was worth it
There over hundred wiremen on book 3 at Ibew 1245 What’s jobs report say, how many members are currentky employed. Is it guaranteed full time employment ? Do you get credits if you’re not working? Sick days and paid holidays off? Do have a pension that’s mandatory paid into or the can Allegedlly stop send weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual statements.. Do send them ever few years, can you ask for them. What if your of that local can you log in and see your so called invidual account or hypothetical delusion, truth, fact, fiction, truth or fictional reality. Why does the Ibew fall under agriculture 501 C5 and NECA under 501 C 6 business leagues ?
...... problem is; they usually put the company out of business with their high demands......so what good is that ????
I support unions in private industry but not not public employees because no one represents the taxpayers at the bargaining table
All the “ new comers” workers that your union bosses want because the democrats said so, will work for $5.00 an hour,,, that’s what they say average Americans will get to fill those positions …
Live better work Union ! - a message from the people who brought you the weekend . Local 33 Boston member !
Stop voting democrats in.office. wake up!!
Gee them union bosses live well don’t they ?
If anyone has any questions please give Local 627 a call at our Hall 602-495-1282. We want to get our Local 627 members out first but we would be glad to get boilermakers out after the Local members get out.
TELEFONO: (202) 347-1461
815 16TH ST, NW, SUITE 600
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