Los Sindicatos de la Industria de la Construcción en Norteamérica están desarrollando rápidamente una reputación como socios valiosos y confiables en ayudar a reconstruir vidas y fortalecer comunidades enteras al crear oportunidades y caminos para la generación venidera – especialmente para las mujeres, las comunidades de color y los veteranos militares – a través de nuestra infraestructura para la preparación para el aprendizaje y para la formación y la educación formal y la capacitación. Sin embargo, todos los días por toda esta gran nación, los sindicatos afiliados a NABTU y sus miembros de base están siempre ocupados proporcionando ayuda y asistencia, cuando y dondequiera que sea necesario. Nuestros miembros y nuestros líderes de sindicatos locales no son solo sus amigos y vecinos, sino que también somos sus entrenadores de Pequeñas Ligas, voluntarios en las iglesias, mentores de la juventud, así como muchos otros roles importantes que hacen a nuestras comunidades fuertes y viables.
“What Sisters Haven provides for these women is invaluable,” said Dave Wondolowski, executive secretary for the Cleveland Building and Constructions Trades Council. “Eventually, some of the people that are staying here can land jobs in the building trades and become self-sufficient and have good paying jobs and good benefits. Get them skilled up and get them working. It’s a win-win for everybody.”
“NECA contractor Grasser Electric and IBEW Local 1 have completed the electrical work at the 2023 St. Jude Dream Home in O’Fallon, Mo… The electrical work was donated by the Electrical Connection, a partnership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1 and the St. Louis Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association.”
Iron Workers Local 29 turned its Northeast Portland union headquarters parking lot into a winter wonderland Dec. 19. “Night on Santa Lane” took the place of “Breakfast With Santa,” a party the union, credit union, and training center have put on for members and their kids and grandkids for 34 years.
Amidst a dire, statewide shortage of critical medical supplies, the region’s largest electrical workers’ union, IBEW Local 103, has donated 20,000 medical-grade protective masks to the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) for direct distribution to front-line caregivers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Healthcare workers across the nation are working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic with, at times, not enough supplies to protect them… “So, we thought that over here we could do our part and help give back to the community.”